Happy Birthday Mom!

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Lunes, Pebrero 28, 2011

Mom! Wake up! It's already February 28! It's your birthday! How old are you? Oh common, say it to me. You don't look that old. Since, today is your birthday I want you to hear this song to you...

Did you like it? My voice won't fit the song, I can't sing it! So I will just give you a tight HUG and a sweet KISS and a loud I LOVE YOU MOM! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I prepared something for you. For you know, I love you, and I love you Mom!

I want you to have this cake. I ordered from especially made for you Mom. I love you. Happy Birthday! Taste it! Isn't sweet? Oh! Get the cherry! Mom! Don't put icing on my face! LOL.

Close your eyes. Touch this. What can you say? I also bought you a gift. I know you have been wishing for what's inside this box. It's a gift of love especially for you Mom! Happy Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! It could have been happier if we're together! 

College Life through Perception

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Sabado, Pebrero 26, 2011

The places that I used to see were just my playgrounds. Every song was a lullaby. The smell was only of milk, colognes and the fragrance of a child under maturity. Seen on my face were purely smiles and laughter caused by the only feeling that I knew, happiness, but that was then…

Everything has changed ever since I stepped to college. The life that I have been percepting became complicated. Complications in money matter and studying shattered my head and tightly gripped to my body, amazingly, in the end, it made a man out of me. College was the reason.

I knew how to handle grace under pressure; seeing that nothing will be accomplished when tarantated or even with tears and getting mad. I experienced it once. Do that! Do this! Right now! I was shouting to all of my members back then. It was our planned seminar and was about to start, however, everything were not yet ready. Grr! The seminar was ruined; started late, received a lot of negative comments, and we didn’t get an exemption. I panicked, got mad to them and them to me, and the worst, I cried. Once yet I learned it well. It didn’t happen again.

Time’s running so why not manage it. I learned how to balance my time, what to prioritize, and when to do leisure things. College taught me how to organize my life. It gave me a clue that I should have a dope book, a calendar on my table, and an alarm clock. College brought up the word ‘priority’ to me, which was the time when something popped out on my mind and suddenly my hands told me to look for its meaning in the dictionary and that! Amidst the busy schedule, I also set time for leisure activities.

I became seriously studious. I read a lot and called myself a ‘ book lover’. I write even more and told myself I’m ‘writer’. With both, my academic performances are good. Still, there’s a case that I got as low as 79. My eyes looked at it as not a red mark but rather an implication that not all time, not all subjects, I’m good. Though I didn’t have any chance to top my class, I still strive harder for college told me that I’ll lose if I stop doing so.

My emotions went stable. I’d become irresponsive when it comes to what they call ‘love’. Having someone to be admired of is as rare as the blue moon for me. I thought that it will be a waste to problem problems for I know what the end will be, a ruined career. Just like what happened to me, we were bankrupt for five months and didn’t know what to do so I stopped going to school. I was so down. Thank God, some people helped me out. That’s a lesson to keep. And also not a care for audacious people; my ears weren’t meant for them so why do I have to listen to what they say? College helped me to figure out when to use specific emotions in an appropriate

Knowing the real meaning of endless camaraderie was also part of the list. I met and tamed new friends. They became my family in the institution, my reason to hang on and do better. With them, I learned the essence of using my mouth in sharing feelings and stuff. They truly define the meaning of having someone to lean on.

In college, not everyone will like you. I proved this right. When I entered college, I never knew that my personality was that good as I see it. I thought I was entertaining. Unfortunately, some found me boring for don’t speak that much, exaggerated for I laugh as hard as I could, and annoying for their own reasons. Stepping into college let me understand that you cannot really please everyone.

Independent, self-reliant, time-conscious, emotionally stable, steady, stout and strong- these are what college released from me, a man of these very words, who was just the opposite of before, percepting life as it is.

"Now, every place is a battlefield and everything is a jewel to win. Every song is now an inspiration. Each second counts as precious as happiness. With the life and its realization given by college, I’ll know more than this, I’ll keep moving forward, I’ll aim high till I reach the paramount of my dreams until I can define again what the gist behind college through my senses."


Checking English Trivias

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Miyerkules, Pebrero 23, 2011

Because I love the English language, but not as much for our own language, Filipino, I keep on reading trivia about it. I have memorized some. They are fun to read and very interesting. they will also widen up your vocabulary. Through reading books and surfing the net,I found these: 

  • Of all the words in the English language, the word ‘set’ has the most definitions!
  • What is called a “French kiss” in the English speaking world is known as an “English kiss” in France.
  • “Almost” is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.
  • “Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.
  • The word “queue” is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.
  • Uncopyrightable is the longest word with no repeated letters.
  • The word checkmate comes from the Persian phrase “Shah Mat”, which means “the king is dead”.
  • No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, and purple.
  • “Ough” can be pronounced in eight different ways. The following sentence contains them all: “A rough-coated, dough-faced ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough, coughing and hiccoughing thoughtfully.
  • The “O” when used as a prefix in Irish surnames means “descendant of.”
  • The ZIP in Zip-code stands for “Zoning Improvement Plan.”
  • The term “devil’s advocate” comes from the Roman Catholic Church. When deciding if someone should be sainted, a devil’s advocate is always appointed to give an alternative view.
  • The word “robot” was created by Karel Capek. It came from Czech/Slovak “robotovat,” which means to work very hard.
  • The term “the whole 9 yards” came from W.W.II fighter pilots in the South Pacific. When arming their airplanes on the ground, the .50 caliber machine gun ammo belts measured exactly 27 feet, before being loaded into the fuselage. If the pilots fired all their ammo at a target, it got “the whole 9 yards.”
  • Switching letters is called spoonerism. For example, saying jag of Flapan, instead of flag of Japan.
  • “Underground” is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with the letters “und.”
  • “Freelance” comes from a knight whose lance was free for hire, i.e. not pledged to one master.
  • “Speak of the Devil” is short for “Speak of the Devil and he shall come”. It was believed that if you spoke about the Devil it would attract his attention. That’s why when your talking about someone and they show up people say “Speak of the Devil”.
  • The plastic things non the end of shoelaces are called aglets. 
  • ALMOST is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.
  • TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
  • Go is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
  • The shortest English word that contains the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F is feedback.
  • The dot over the letter ‘i’ is called a tittle.
  • The word checkmate in chess comes from the Persian phrase “Shah Mat,” which means “the king is dead”.
  • A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a pangram, and the most famous is the one typists use to test their keyboards: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.
  • White trail that a jet plane leaves behind in the sky is called contrail.



An Out of School Youth

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Sabado, Pebrero 19, 2011

Before, I feel sad to those who's in the same age as me for they don't go to school like I do but few weeks later, I feel bad too for myself. We have been scammed led to bankruptcy so I had to stopped studying. It came to the point our electricity and water had been cut-off, we ran out of money to sustain food, and the worst, we all worked for our needs. 

I was absent for 10 days. I heard people were questioning my reason for not going to school. Some were worried that something might had happened to me. Some gave side comments that it was my lost in MMLP. For everyone, these were what happened to me. 

Since the start of the second semester, I felt that my family's financial status was already shaking. It was February this year, that it gone worst. 6th of the month, foresee that I will not be able to go to school on Monday. We had no money even budget for food. Monday came, I woke up early but didn't prepared for school, I was waiting for them to give me my allowance but they didn't. I said OKAY.

I was really hopeful for the next day. One day of absent meant a lot for me: absences on classes, missed quizzes, seat works, and bonding with CAs. Usually, when I wake up early, my breakfast was already set. That's a sign, I don't a breakfast thus I wasn't able to go.

Hopeless, I woke up. It was dark. There were no foods. I was not going to school anymore. I lost faith. and decided for myself that I will work for my living. Since no one's to support I have to do it in Mikee's way. I texted everyone on my phone book for helping me getting a job. I learned stand on my own. 

Then I worked as a waiter in a bar along Magsaysay Drive. For four days, I was a slave of a Chinese Businessman who's rude, cruel, and selfish. I can't seemed to like him but because I have to, I set aside my irritation. A night, I get Php80.00 which was kind of small  for 10 hours of duty. I was only well compensated when there's are T.I.Ps from customers. Some give as low as 20 and some up to a 100. Then I realized, it was hard for people who didn't finish their studies or didn't study at all to land a good job. 

Whatever we have, we give at least 40% as share of each for our home food budget. The only money I had gone through cut-offs so whatever the amount left, I saved. I learned how to work harder, spend less. With just three Php300.00 I went to Cavite, to my aunt. 

On my way, on the bus, I was crying. Thank God there were no more than 10 passengers. I thought of the hard days I've been through. I learned so many things in life. In Cavite, everything seems fine. I had no problem, there was no complications. 

I thought, it was the end of my career in Letran, I was hopeful, I prayed harder. Now I'm back and I'm gonna make the most out of this opportunity! I know I've misses a but I'll catch up. 

*I wish to revise this for clarity. 
