College Life through Perception

Sabado, Pebrero 26, 2011

The places that I used to see were just my playgrounds. Every song was a lullaby. The smell was only of milk, colognes and the fragrance of a child under maturity. Seen on my face were purely smiles and laughter caused by the only feeling that I knew, happiness, but that was then…

Everything has changed ever since I stepped to college. The life that I have been percepting became complicated. Complications in money matter and studying shattered my head and tightly gripped to my body, amazingly, in the end, it made a man out of me. College was the reason.

I knew how to handle grace under pressure; seeing that nothing will be accomplished when tarantated or even with tears and getting mad. I experienced it once. Do that! Do this! Right now! I was shouting to all of my members back then. It was our planned seminar and was about to start, however, everything were not yet ready. Grr! The seminar was ruined; started late, received a lot of negative comments, and we didn’t get an exemption. I panicked, got mad to them and them to me, and the worst, I cried. Once yet I learned it well. It didn’t happen again.

Time’s running so why not manage it. I learned how to balance my time, what to prioritize, and when to do leisure things. College taught me how to organize my life. It gave me a clue that I should have a dope book, a calendar on my table, and an alarm clock. College brought up the word ‘priority’ to me, which was the time when something popped out on my mind and suddenly my hands told me to look for its meaning in the dictionary and that! Amidst the busy schedule, I also set time for leisure activities.

I became seriously studious. I read a lot and called myself a ‘ book lover’. I write even more and told myself I’m ‘writer’. With both, my academic performances are good. Still, there’s a case that I got as low as 79. My eyes looked at it as not a red mark but rather an implication that not all time, not all subjects, I’m good. Though I didn’t have any chance to top my class, I still strive harder for college told me that I’ll lose if I stop doing so.

My emotions went stable. I’d become irresponsive when it comes to what they call ‘love’. Having someone to be admired of is as rare as the blue moon for me. I thought that it will be a waste to problem problems for I know what the end will be, a ruined career. Just like what happened to me, we were bankrupt for five months and didn’t know what to do so I stopped going to school. I was so down. Thank God, some people helped me out. That’s a lesson to keep. And also not a care for audacious people; my ears weren’t meant for them so why do I have to listen to what they say? College helped me to figure out when to use specific emotions in an appropriate

Knowing the real meaning of endless camaraderie was also part of the list. I met and tamed new friends. They became my family in the institution, my reason to hang on and do better. With them, I learned the essence of using my mouth in sharing feelings and stuff. They truly define the meaning of having someone to lean on.

In college, not everyone will like you. I proved this right. When I entered college, I never knew that my personality was that good as I see it. I thought I was entertaining. Unfortunately, some found me boring for don’t speak that much, exaggerated for I laugh as hard as I could, and annoying for their own reasons. Stepping into college let me understand that you cannot really please everyone.

Independent, self-reliant, time-conscious, emotionally stable, steady, stout and strong- these are what college released from me, a man of these very words, who was just the opposite of before, percepting life as it is.

"Now, every place is a battlefield and everything is a jewel to win. Every song is now an inspiration. Each second counts as precious as happiness. With the life and its realization given by college, I’ll know more than this, I’ll keep moving forward, I’ll aim high till I reach the paramount of my dreams until I can define again what the gist behind college through my senses."


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